We expect all children to attend school every day, unless this is unavoidable through illness or exceptional circumstances.
Good attendance is linked to higher achievement. Poor attendance can be a cause of underachievement.
The register is a legal document and we must record absence by law. Information on attendance is collected electronically for every child, overnight, by the local authority.
Parents have a legal responsibility to make sure their child attends school. There is no entitlement to leave of absence in term time for holidays and so holidays should be taken during the school holiday period.
In line with government policy, our Trust’s schools do not authorise leave of absence for family holidays during term time.
If you take your child out of school for a holiday, you risk the local authority issuing a penalty notice or pursuing a prosecution.
If your child takes no more than a couple of days off for genuine illness over the year, their attendance will stay well above 98%.
Add a week’s holiday in term time to a few days’ illness and your child’s attendance could drop below 95% – the point where it is monitored by our Educational Welfare Officer.
Term Dates
2023 – 2024
2024 – 2025
Please check term dates carefully before booking holidays.
Leave of Absence
Download Form
To apply for leave of absence, please download the form or collect one from school.
NHS Illness Advice
Check up on many childhood conditions. In most cases, children can still come to school.
Start of the School Day
End of the School Day
Doors open for
children to come in
8.45 am
Start of the
teaching day
9.00 am
End of the day
for Years R, 1 and 2
3.15 pm
End of the day
for Years 3, 4, 5 and 6
3.20 pm
We expect all children to “Arrive before 9, Arrive on time” for school.
We open all the classroom doors at quarter to nine, so that children can come in and organise their coats and bags and get to work! Many children are already getting on with a variety of jobs independently or are being supported by teachers and teaching assistants by the time the register finished being taken at 9.00am.
The register is a legal document and any child arriving after it has closed is late and must be recorded as such by law. Information on punctuality is collected electronically for every child, overnight, by the local authority.
The Local Authority will issue penalty notices to parents who allow their children to arrive late regularly.