Religious Education (RE)
“Every human is like all other humans, some other humans and no other human”
(Clyde Kluckhon)
Religious Education at Oakwood
Below is an overview of the curriculum for each year group (Years 1-6).
YR curriculum information can be found on the main YR page.
RE Intent
Religious Education is taught at Oakwood Primary school, within the school’s curriculum programme and follows the Southampton, Hampshire and Portsmouth agreed syllabus ‘Living Difference IV’.
Living Difference encourages empathy by identifying that people follow different beliefs and religions. Children at Oakwood are encouraged to learn the importance of respect when finding out about other people’s faiths and ways of life. Living Difference pays particular importance upon the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our pupils. We ensure that the four ‘Golden Threads’ of love, community, special and belonging are planned and re-visited throughout the pupils’ time at Oakwood.
Our aim is to encourage curiosity into practices of Christianity and other world faiths. As a result of learning about different faiths, we hope that our pupils will have pride in their own faith and beliefs. In Key Stage 1 children learn about Christianity and Hinduism and children in Key Stage 2 study Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Humanism.
We have strong links with ‘Southampton City Mission’, who come into school regularly to share assemblies across the school. They also provide a ‘Question of Faith Day’ for each year group annually which enhances our R.E curriculum. The school actively celebrates the Christian festivals of Harvest, Christmas and Easter and also visits ‘Lordshill Church’ to support different areas of the curriculum.