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Wellbeing in School

There are lots of different ways we support children’s wellbeing in school. 

Our PSHE curriculum is a progressive sequence which promotes many aspects of physical, mental and emotional health.

Outside of the curriculum, we provide additional wellbeing opportunities. For example, regular additional physical activity on top of PE lessons, such as the Golden Mile and Go Noodle, promote physical wellness. Linked with these, there are regular mindfulness sessions provided throughout the day.

We now also have newly appointed ‘Wellbeing Ambassadors’. These are pupil representatives from each class who work together to improve wellbeing across the school.

At an individual level, we have two ELSAs (Emotional Literacy Support Assistants) in school, who are able to provide more bespoke support for children who may need it. You can find out more about them below:

Online Support

Here are some videos from the Reaching Families website. They are aimed at parents of children with Special Educational Needs but have lots of practical and useful advice that is relevant to all children, no matter their level of need.

Making sense of sensory issues

Making sense of challenging behaviour
